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Our Story


     Here's the condensed version to spare you the long-winded driveled version. I'm a modest collector here in Southern California. Certainly not rich. And not even the sharpest knife in the drawer. I have though become very passionate about art and artists from these particular countries, and am working to build a notable collection of art, encourage others to collect this type of art, and basically enhance the world of art and beauty here in Southern California. Not bad for a schlub.

     And if it turns out you actually enjoy long-winded drivel, just drop us a line at "Contact Us' and we promise to make a long story even longer.

Note to Art Scholars

     Oh great and wise purveyor of Art History, look into the graphic to the right. You are getting sleepy... sleepy...


     Your eyelids are becoming heavy. Your body feels weightless, like you're floating on the perfumed clouds of a mid-nineteenth century Academic painting. You have an overwhelming sense that your academic focus needs a change. You suddenly have an urge to explore artists from the Nordic countries. You will discover a plethora of artists that have not received the proper recognition they deserve based on their talent and accomplishments. You will devote yourself to their study and to promoting these artists at home and abroad. When I count to three you will awake refreshed and with an new sense of purpose.

     One... two... three...



Nordic Art

Danish (22)
Swedish (30)
Finnish (16)
Norwegian (14)
Icelandic (6)

Mezzotint Art

Other Art

Songs (Music)

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